Friday, December 01, 2006


Dear Readers,

I haven't posted in a while because I simply lost the appetite to blog lately. I have so much on my mind.
Stressed, over worked and under paid :) aren't we all, huh? well.. I got a call from an old friend that kinda
jump-started me. He told me something that made my heart sink, and the only thing I could think of at the
time was "I someone has to know!"

Apparently he was driving around in the desert (il bar) with a friend of his, looking for another friend's camp
when all of a sudden they were being chased by 4 hummers and a fifth approached them from the front forcing them
to stop. An American marine walked up to their car and started yelling "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING? THIS IS OURS!"

my friend simply explained to them that they were lost. but when the marine continued yelling at them telling them to get lost, my friend yelled back " I am Kuwaiti and I have the right to go anywhere I want to on OUR soil"

at that point the marine started fishing for a fight, using cussing and screaming " COME ON! WANNA FIGHT B*TCH?"

I am NOT prejudice, but the fact that they used "OURS" to refer to a piece of KUWAITI land really TICKED ME OFF!

I am not gonna go on talking about it or analyzing, but I am sure you get what I am trying to point out.

So sad!