Friday, October 06, 2006

Over and over and over..

Notice how everyone makes fun of Indian movies!? Everyone says that all the stories are the same.. And that they can predict the villain's next move, and the good guy's come pack.. You can even tell when that dance in the rain will start, and the rolling on green grass part.. We all poke fun on those movies.. But honestly are we any different??

looking at the 99 series playing in Ramadan, I realized we also have the same problem! We are going around in circles.. Same theme.. Different people .. Or settings..

the powerful businessman with the naughty mistress..
drug addicts.. Abused women.. Broken families.. Careless youth...

ana bes abi a3arf shay wa7ed! those goddamn writers, do they really think that they are tackling social issues by producing depressing scripts? What are they trying to do? Raise awareness?! The only thing they are raising is a sense of hopelessness and acceptance of everything bad this society throws at you ! wain musalsalaaat awwal?? wain darb izzalag? wain alaqdaar o el malgoof?? wain o wain o wain..

we used to laugh so much while watching an old theater play.. Now we frown and try to tolerate all the yelling and screaming, and lack of rationality..

learn from the oldies.. tara old is gold.. Stop the negative conditioning .. This society needs an uplift.. An emotional boost..

am I making sense ?


At 5:52 AM, Blogger bo9ali7 said...

والله الافلام الهندية اهون مليون مرة..على الاقل الواحد اذا فاضي يقدر يتابع ويندمج..صج ان القصة مكررة بس عادي..اما الينون اللي يطلع عندنا..لا لا لا شي فوق الخيال..جد ترى مصخت السالفة..

At 11:02 AM, Blogger don_veto said...

Indian and Local productions are following a formula that works. What I am trying to say is this what the majority of the viewing audience wants.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Chubby Femme said...

bo9ali7.. ma sheft shay ba3ad :)

don_veto.. bollywood is a different scenario.. but local producers have issue.. I mean people watch now out of disbelief at the over blown reality..basically for laughs .. but look at any egyptian or syrian series, not only do they suck you in the first time.. you would and do watch them over and over.. that's my personal opinion though :)


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