Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I was at a family gathering today when my cousin smsed me a note saying that there was a bomb threat in Sultan Center Salmiya and they closed the surrounding roads. I knew I had some of my younger male cousins in that area at the time.. so I immediately called them to see if it was true. Muhammad told me there was a road block but he did not know why! I freaked out and told them to come home at once! I considered myself lucky that they actually listened to me ( 18 and 19 years olds are not the easiest people to control).
As always, I sat with daddy dearest to have our nightly discussions about whatever issues are going on. We were naturally talking about current issues in Kuwait and he said something that made tears come to my eyes: "There was a time when Suicide-bombing was totally incomprehensible. The act itself was so strange that it raised so many questions on how and why ...Etc. However, Now-a-days, it is so frequent and abundant that noone reacts to the news anymore. That lack of emotion is more dangerous and threatening than any terrorist group or bomb!"
We don't have empathy anymore! and when you lack empathy you might as well live as beasts! Furthermore, It is sad to see that a country who was politically raped over and over by foreign and internal affairs has very low security measures. the Ministry of Internal Affairs pats itself on its back for finally controlling traffic and turns a blind eye to other major issues. A Shooting in 7awalli?? Innocents lost? a bomb threat the next day!? WHERE IS THE POLICE FORCE? SWAT TEAMS? INTELLIGENCE? do we lack them all ? are we that far from being a secure state? When the 9a3aida rioted in khaitan it took them 2 days to end everything!
Maybe the exaggerated security alarms in the US are not so ridiculous as most of us thought! In fact, it totally makes sense now. I only wish we had 1/4 of that security system in Kuwait!


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Jelly Belly said...

that was exactly my thoughts where were the SWAT TEAMS?!
allah yer7amhom we9aber egloob ahalhom inshallah.
things better change soon in this country or will be having more cases like these and more innocent lives wasted!
allah ye7afeth alkuwait o ahalaha.
love you babe :*


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