Monday, January 10, 2005

A Friend with no Tastebuds!

It's sad but true, my friend has no tastebuds!

I have a friend that drinks orange juice with everything! even while having a Filet Mignon. the reason I am mentioning the orange juice is that I honestly believe that all that acid finally killed anything that would help her distinguish one flavor from another. I never thought much of it. All those years of REALLY SALTY FOOD or under-spiced dishes did not seem that big of a deal, I simply thought she was a bad cook! However, yeaterday something happened that alerted me to the severity of her case!

My friends and I went to Nino lastnight for dinner. We were all starving and practically drooling over the menu. So many delicious dishes but what should I pick, we each thought! after long debates and exchanged recommendations we all decided on different things. some had meat, others had chicken.. some pastas and I believe there was one who had some kind of seafood dish. My cellphone rang and I knew it was Shareefa, the one friend who was always late to ANY event. She was calling to let me know that she is on her way and asked me to order something for her.. meat or chicken, it did not matter, it was totally up to me. Shareefa arrived at the precise moment the waiter showed up with her plate. We all ate and talked, gossiped and laughed. Everyone was full, satisfied and ready to leave when Shareefa asked me "Which Chicken dish is this? it was so good!" at that point I gasped and stared at her comepletely blank. I was hoping to find any sign on her face that would tell me she was kidding!
Finally, I looked at her and said " Beef Medallions!"


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Jelly Belly said...

hahahahahahaha, that was so funny!
man although I never met sheerfa yet but the stories I keep hearing about her...ya7leelha ;)

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Sou said...

OMG!! The poor Shareefa! Hang on--stupid question coming there no way for her to get her tastebuds baq?! ya3ni can't she have them operated on or something?! O good God, i'm never going to drink orange juice again! Hehehe...


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Chubby Femme said...

I just had an idea, I could totally dedicate a blog to Shareefa and her stories! LOL il mo9eeba inna she never gets it! i wonger if hears a rattling sound when she shakes her heaD!!??
when you come back I will properly introduce you.. you can see everything for yourself hehehehe

well.. no clue.. but I think she needs to under-go some tongue exfoliating process inorder to revive her buds. My question is.. even if she lacks tastebuds, could she not see the difference in color and texture between beef and chicken?? or is she color blind too?? LOL did I mention she has the attention span of a Goldfish? LOL she is the sweetest person on earth.. but for the life of her she cannot link her thoughts!
never the less.. we all love her dearly.. life wouldn't be the same without Shareefa! :)

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

chubby angel, everyone has a habla friend, and I guess she is your habla :)

At 1:03 AM, Blogger Chubby Femme said...

yes.. she is my habla.. and I pray she remains that way forever.. innocent and sweet.. with a few loose screws :)

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Sou said...

OmG, i said "The poor Shareefa", my grammatical skills are going to hell :p hehehe...

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

You messed with your template didn't you? now your post is skewed.


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